Converting multiple loops into one single loop with pagination

I am using Isotope jquery plugin to filter/sort posts in WordPress but to correctly filter the posts into the right order I have needed to output each category one after the other. To do this I’ve created one custom query for each category (4 categories in total, therefore 4 queries). You can see my working code here:

I would like to convert these 4 queries into just one query but this one query must display these 4 categories one after the other (like it does currently).

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The reason why I want this, is because I’d like to add Infinite scroll functionality to grab the next batch of posts regardless of what category they are in. In order for this to work I need to add pagination and figured pagination wouldn’t work correctly with 4 separate loops. However, if anyone can implement pagination into my existing code without having to re-write it then I’m all ears.

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  1. You can refer this.

    Use the examples part. Inside the foreach loop put your all the code which needs to be repeated for each category type.

    something like:

    $categories = get_the_category();
        foreach($categories as $category) {
    $my_query = new WP_Query('cat=$category->term_id');

    //code to display category posts goes here


    You are ready to go with this.