Compiling Zurb Foundation partials with Gulpjs

I’m building a custom WordPress theme using Zurb’s Foundation 5 and compiling it with Gulpjs which is amazingly fast. I have Gulpjs installed in my WP themes folder and it compiles my app.scss file everytime I save it perfectly. However if I make any changes to any of the Sass partials included in Foundation, Gulp doesn’t automatically compile them until I make a change to the app.scss and save app.scss again.

Is there a way automatically compile when I make changes to the partials, or any other .scss file included in my theme for that matter, when I save them?

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Here’s a link to the starter theme I’m using, showing all the files I’m using. The gulpfile.js can be found in the root folder.


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  1. Figured it out! If anyone needs similar help.

    I added


    to the gulpfile.js

    gulp.task('sass', function (){
            .pipe(sass({style: 'compressed', errLogToConsole: true}))         
            .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'}))                                   
            util.log(util.colors.yellow('Sass compiled & minified'));         
  2. Have you tried adding 'bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation/foundation.scss' to your source? That is the file with all of the @import‘s for foundation.