How to link to the WordPress plugins folder from style.css?

I’m trying to link to an image in the WordPress plugins folder from style.css. I’ve tried the following but that doesn’t work:

.example {
    background: url( images/photo.jpg ) center center no-repeat;

Plugins folder image: /wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/images/photo.jpg

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Stylesheet is here: /wp-content/themes/my-theme/style.css

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  1. I know you added the “relative-path” tag, but have you tried using an absolute path, including the domain name?

    Consider trying

    .example {
        background: url('') center center no-repeat;

    If you want to use a relative path, it also looks like you could try:


    This assumes the server is looking from the folder the CSS is in to resolve the path to the photo. The “..” represents moving up a directory level.

    Hope this helps!

  2. You can use so called semi-relative paths for resources:

    .example {
        background-image: url( '/wp-content/plugins/path/to/image.jpg' );

    /wp-content/ above maps to, which allows you to omit the domain portion from the URL path to the image. If you omit the starting / character, the stylesheet will look for wp-content/... within the directory where the CSS file is.

    Note: the above method wont work if your plugins directory is outside wp-content.

    If you want the exact plugin directory path using WordPress functions and constants, consider infusing CSS with PHP: This way you can execute some PHP within the CSS file, which could include fetching the WP plugins directory to a PHP variable.