Ordering values entered in Custom Taxonomies

I found a great article on Custom Taxonomies here. I have a specific requirement related to ordering values entered in the Custom Taxonomies. How do I display the terms entered in the meta boxes in the order I entered them and “NOT” in alphabetical order.(ex. If I enter Edward, Linda, Arnold in meta boxes, how do I NOT display them Arnold, Edward, Linda).

Thanks in advance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  1. To print its categories that article uses the function wp_list_categories. The parameter that dictates how elements are ordered is “order_by” which it sets to “name”. Other options are listed under parameters, order by, on that function’s page in the codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_list_categories

    It seems that the option you have are ID, name, slug, term_group and count. Anything else will require more work than just changing a parameter. The solution might depend on what kind of sorting you are looking for.