I want to add for example the font “elef”, What is the easiest way to add this font??
I am with wordpress 3.9.1 and TinyMCE Advanced vr. 4.0.2,If this matter..
I prefer to this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-advanced/
I want to add for example the font “elef”, What is the easiest way to add this font??
I am with wordpress 3.9.1 and TinyMCE Advanced vr. 4.0.2,If this matter..
I prefer to this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-advanced/
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This is how to use Google Fonts, if you want to use TTF or similar follow this lead: Using True type fonts in web applications.
Add/replace the fonts displayed on the dropdown:
Show the live font on the dropdown:
Show the live font on the content box:
Based on:
Make your fonts available in your css
In functions.php (feel free to add/remove any of these fonts. This list is the default one and I added my “Proxima Nova Regular”.
If you have local font you can use font face on the css
tinymce init
I was looking for the same thing exactly, until I came across this plugin:
Just install it (after you already have TinyMCE Advanced, of course) and checkout its code file (under Plugins -> Edit).
All you have to do is add the font definition (name) to the list of fonts in the designated code (located near the end of the main PHP file of this plugin) and add the list item code to another place in the code (a little bit below the first one).
That’s it! Now you have the additional font(s) in the dropdown of the font family selection in the editor.