I am attempting to get the milliseconds value from this jQuery Stopwatch library https://github.com/robcowie/jquery-stopwatch
The millisecond value is not documented, apart from in a GitHub issue that states
Make elapsed milliseconds available in data. #2 â¦
Get at it with $().data(‘stopwatch’)[‘elapsed’]
I have attempted to access the milliseconds in this way through the following code (it’s within WordPress, hence the lack of $ signs)
<a href="#" id="test"><h2>Test</h2></a>
jQuery( "#test" ).click(function() {
But I am getting the following console error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘elapsed’ of null
The stopwatch is initialised through this code
jQuery( document ).ready(function($) {
setTimeout(function(){ $('.quizTimerSpan').stopwatch({startTime: 0, format: '{MM}:{ss}'}).stopwatch('start') }, 8500);
The first problem is actually getting the millisecond value, and then actually passing it through to an input value on a button click. I assume the following code will work once I actually get the millisecond value, but I’m pretty new to jQuery so would be good to get this sanity checked as well.
jQuery( "#question" ).submit(function( event ) {
jQuery( "#timerValue" ).val(.data('stopwatch')['elapsed']));
HTML form element…
<input type="hidden" name="timerValue" id="timerValue" value="" />
I have managed to achieve what I wanted to do by switching to the jQuery Timer library from here http://jchavannes.com/jquery-timer/demo
The following code did exactly what I needed…
As a bonus, I am also able to set the title of the page on each interval.