Find out whether a template file is used by a page and get that page -WordPress

I’m developing now a wordpress theme, and wondering if there is an option to know if a template file is being used by a page?
I need the link to that page…

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  1. The function get_page_template_slug( $post_id ) will return the slug of the currently assigned page template (or an empty string if no template has been assigned – or false if the $post_id does not correspond to an actual page). You can easily use this anywhere (in The Loop, or outside) to determine whether any page has been assigned a page template.

    is_page_template(); function will return true when template is used. you can also pass file name to check if particular template is applied or not.

    if ( is_page_template('about.php') ) {
    // Returns true when 'about.php' is being used.
    } else {
    // Returns false when 'about.php' is not being used.

    There is one more method too. You can use get_post_meta to get value of applied template.

    global $post;
  2. The previously suggested answer will not get you what you want. It will just show you in the current page or a page you specify is using the template not find any pages that are using it.

    If you want to actually search to see if any pages are using a template you can make a query. meta_query isn’t the most efficient/fastest but depending on what you are building probably won’t be an issue.

    $query = new WP_Query(
                        'post_type'   => 'page',
                        'post_status' => 'publish',
                        'meta_query'  => array(
                                'key'   => '_wp_page_template',
                                'value' => 'your-template.php',
    if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        /* There is a match so either start the loop and use get_the_permalink() to get the link or make a foreach loop and get the ids of the items and get_the_permalink($id) */