When query a post, I need not only the post but also the post_meta. But seems the post query and meta query can not be done together.
With WP_Query, I first get the posts, then, I need to do get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'key',true)
Is this the way WP works? Or, is there a way to query both in one hit?
When you do a query WordPress already gets the post_meta.
Even though you are calling
It is not performing another query. It is retrieving the value from the post meta cache.Now if you don’t need the post meta you can set a flag that will eliminate the additional MySql query. To do this you set
'update_post_meta_cache' => false
in your args.You can also use get_post_custom() to return an array of all meta values so that you don’t have to use the meta_key for each.
I was not aware that WP cached the meta data, thanks Chris_O.