I’ve added the following function to my wordpress theme javascript file wp-content/themes/xxx/js/script.js
function calculateBmi() {
var weight = document.bmiForm.weight.value
var height = document.bmiForm.height.value
if (weight > 0 && height > 0) {
var finalBmi = weight/(height/100*height/100)
document.bmiForm.bmi.value = finalBmi
if (finalBmi < 18.5) {
document.bmiForm.meaning.value = "That you are too thin."
if (finalBmi > 18.5 && finalBmi < 25) {
document.bmiForm.meaning.value = "That you are healthy."
if (finalBmi > 25) {
document.bmiForm.meaning.value = "That you have overweight."
alert("Please Fill in everything correctly")
I have added the following code on a wordpress page (in admin) with a form that calls the function when you press the button
<form name="bmiForm">
Your Weight(kg): <input type="text" name="weight" size="10"><br />
Your Height(cm): <input type="text" name="height" size="10"><br />
<input type="button" value="Calculate BMI" onClick="calculateBmi()"><br />
Your BMI: <input type="text" name="bmi" size="10"><br />
This Means: <input type="text" name="meaning" size="25"><br />
<input type="reset" value="Reset" />
Nothing happens when I click the button and chrome console gives the following message.
Uncaught ReferenceError: calculateBmi is not defined ?page_id=1368:126
What is it that is wrong?
It’s just a matter of enqueuing properly. First, a test page with the HTML provided. Note the use of the global
to catch our page afterwards.Enqueuing the script, not sure why jQuery is being included as dependency, but it doesn’t matter:
And the script file contains the JS code provided:
your function is not defined because it contains syntax errors.
Add “;” after each line and check for other errors e.g. using jslint tool