How to fetch Page ID in wordpress

I am using this code to bring the content out of the page.

$page = get_page_by_title( 'page-title' );
$title = $page->post_title;
echo "<h3>" . $title . "</h3>";
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $page->post_content); 
echo $content;

Now, i want to get the content and title by using page ID.

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If any one has the answer?

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1 comment

  1. You can use the get_post() function

    $myPost = get_post(17);
    echo $myPost->post_title;

    Per your comment:

    Is there any way i can avoid putting id in the direct code. eg. just
    making a page and content from back-end it reflects in front-end. i am
    making a onepage website. can it will be done by any kind of loop or
    something like that.

    I bolded that word because if this is the case there’s a very simple solution, but there are many ways to reach it.

    Option 1:

    If you’re familiar with the WordPress Template Hierarchy you’ll know you can create a PHP paged called front-page.php. Then you can create 1 single page under Pages, once that’s done you can go to Settings -> Reading and click the radio button which allows you to

    Set a static page (select below)

    You can then select the page you created. This will automatically use the front-page.php template versus page.php.

    Option 2:

    You can copy your page.php template and rename it to use a pages slug. For instance, if I create a page called “Contact Us” WordPress will automatically make a slug that looks like contact-us which is part of the web URL to view the page. I can then copy page.php and rename it page-contact-us.php so when you view the “Contact Us” page, it will automatically use this page template.

    Option 3:

    Finally you can directly create a Page Template where you select it from a drop down in the Admin Panel when you create a new page. All you have to do is copy your page.php template file and call it whatever you want, something standard like page_template-contact or something of the sort. Then you can add this direct above your get_header() call:

        Template Name: My Custom Page