Returning all radio button options when using Advanced Custom Fields

When using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress,

Suppose I have a radio button field with possible choices:

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o Apples o Bananas o Cranberries

How can I return each one of these options regardless of which one is selected?

Thanks everyone

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  1. Check out this page in order to discover your field key for your radio button:

    Next, insert this code where you are grabbing your field values:

     $key = 'your_fieldkey_here';
     $field = get_field_object($key); 
     if ($field) {
           foreach ($field['choices'] as $key => $value) {
            echo ('KEY : ' . $key);
            echo ('<br />');
            echo ('VALUE : ' . $value);
            echo ('<br />');

    This code will return your set of keys and values.

    This only issue with this method is that it will not work if your radio button field is inside of a repeater field.