I’m building a wordpress theme options page using the redux framework. I read al the data in my style.php file and i will include that file in de header so the custom css is loaded.
body {
background-color:<?php global $variable; echo $variable['color-background'];?>;
font-family:<?php global $variable; echo $variable['typography6']['font-family'];?>;
a {
color: <?php global $variable; echo $variable['link-color']['regular'];?>;
<?php require_once('css/style.php');?>
Now its all messy in the head of my website. It would be great if it automatically generates a css file. Does anyone know a good option?
You can define your PHP file as a CSS file by writing
header("Content-type: text/css");
at the start.If you do so you can link it with
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.php">
Redux Framework already has a built-in feature to update css file dynamically using compiler argument in field array configuration http://docs.reduxframework.com/redux-framework/advanced/integrating-a-compiler/
Or you can use output argument to output you custom css directly in head tag http://docs.reduxframework.com/redux-framework/the-basics/output-2/
I’m using the first option and enqueue the css file generated through wp_enqueue_style native wp function.