How do I control the width or responsive width of the CODE tag in a WordPress post?
Under the comments section on this post, the text, “You may use these HTML tags and attributes:” and the code elements after it, doesn’t fit the width of the container of this responsive website design.
This line of code examples simply extends out past the container it’s in. Here’s the post I’m working on:
I’ve noticed the issue in 3 different browsers and it seems to be a bootstrap related style. Any help is appreciated greatly. Thanks!
Please remove
white-space: nowrap;
on bootstrap.css line #983code { display: block; }
tooAdding display:block to the code tag looks to work for me
Add it to your style.css file
Note that will change it for every code tag on the site, so in case you don’t want to do that you can either add it inline to that particular code tag (which isn’t really the best idea):
Or create a class for it: