Comment Author Name In Reply Form

I have enabled comment replies in my blog. Lets say there is a comment Nick has written… when I’m gonna reply, I want to display a message “Replying to Nick” in the reply’s form header. Anyone knows how? Thanks!

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  1. The WordPress function comment_form_title works only for users with Javascript disabled or pages without the comment-reply.js JavaScript loaded.

    WordPress may not fix this limitation at all
    Two tickets have been opened before and closed without fix.

    However I managed to get it work for the default twentyeleven theme by using some dirty fixes.
    Here is the code you may use as plugin.

     * Plugin Name: Comment Form Title Fix
     * Plugin URI: 
     * Description: WordPress provides comment_form_title function to displays text based on comment reply status. This only affects users with Javascript disabled or pages without the comment-reply.js JavaScript loaded. This plugin provides dirty fix to remove this limitation.
     * Author: tamilsweet
     * Author URI:
     * Version: 0.1
     * Limitation: Tested only with default comment form.
    define('CFTF_REPLY_TEXT', 'Leave a Reply');
    define('CFTF_REPLY_TO_TEXT', 'Leave a Reply to %s');
    // Enable jquery
    add_action('init', 'my_script');
    function my_script() {
    add_filter('comment_reply_link', 'cftf_reply_link');
    function cftf_reply_link($link) {
        global $comment;
        $author = get_comment_author();
        $replytext = sprintf( CFTF_REPLY_TO_TEXT, $author );
        $link = str_replace("onclick='return", "onclick='cftf_update_title("${replytext}"); return", $link);
        return $link;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'cftf_javascript');
    function cftf_javascript() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function cftf_update_title(title) {
        var temp = jQuery("#reply-title :first").html();
        jQuery("#reply-title").html(title + '<small>' +  temp + '</small>');
    jQuery("#cancel-comment-reply-link").live('click', function() {
        var title = "<?php echo CFTF_REPLY_TEXT;?>";
        var temp = jQuery("#reply-title :first").html();
        jQuery("#reply-title").html(title + '<small>' +  temp + '</small>');

    Remember it may not work with all themes.

    To make it work with the custom theme @Arg Geo uses.
    Replace the function cftf_javascript() as below

    function cftf_javascript() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function cftf_update_title(title) {
    jQuery("#cancel-comment-reply-link").live('click', function() {
        var title = "<?php echo CFTF_REPLY_TEXT;?>";
  2. As of jQuery 1.7, the .live() method is deprecated. Use .on() to attach event handlers.

    In the code tamilsweet provided replace:

    jQuery("#cancel-comment-reply-link").live('click', function() {


    jQuery("#respond").on('click', '#cancel-comment-reply-link', function() {