I have the following problem importing a project in Aptana Studio 3.
I have setted that my workspace is the /var/www/
directory of my Ubuntu system.
In this directory I have installed a WordPress website that itself contains some directory including the directory that contain a specific WordPress theme, for example: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/
If I try to import as Existing Folder as New Project the theme directory (/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentytwelve/
) in the Project Explorer I obtain an empty project named twentytwelve
(it contains only the Connections icon)
The only way to have all the file on which I have to work is import the entire WordPress directory (/var/www/wordpress/
) as a new project. In this way I have a project that contains all the file of the website on which I work and I can work on my theme.
But why if I import the theme directory I obtain the empty project and it work well if I import the entire website in the work-space?