woocommerce subscription free trail text

I’m trying to setup woocommerce subscriptions so that all paypal standard payments fall on the same day by using the free trial feature.

But the problem I’m having is changing the text when this feature is used so the customer doesn’t get confused.

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At the moment on the product page is says “£24.95 / month with a 2-day free trial” when ideally it needs to say “£24.95 / month starting in 2 days” or similar

In the cart is says “A 2-day free trial then £24.95 / month” when I would like it to say “A £24.95 / month starting in 2 days” or similar

And lastly when the customer gets taken to PayPal’s secure servers is says under terms “Free for the first 2 days. Then £24.95 GBP for each month” when I would like this changed to “£24.95 GBP for each month starting in 2 days time” or similar

Would anyone know if there are any filter hooks I can use to get the desired effect, or if there is anything else I can do?

The site only has one product so I hope it’s going to be straight forward.

Thanks in advance.

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1 comment

  1. The 'woocommerce_subscriptions_product_price_string' filter can be used to customise the price displayed for a product.

    The 'woocommerce_subscription_price_string' filter can be used to customise the cart/order prices displayed in the cart and on an order.

    For examples of how to build your price strings and details of the parameters passed to each filter, view the source of the WC_Subscriptions_Product::get_price_string() and WC_Subscriptions_Manager::get_subscription_price_string() functions. I always try to write self-documenting code & include PHPDoc for anything that is not self evident.

    Hope that helps. 🙂