Customized CMS functionality for the end-user. Like a control panel

I have been asked so often for custom CMS functionality where the end-user wants to manage his content by his hands using a control panel or something.

A college professor wanted to manage his online magazine issues and papers, a manager wanted to upload and manage news and photos about his firm. and so on

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In this case the client doesn’t have any technical knowledge about WordPress or Joomla or Drupal and he needs a customized solution that fits his needs.

The content strucure is different in each case, and sometimes end-users can be involved to register/log-in to the site and manage their own submitted data. so each registered user manages his own content.

I managed that requirement differently each time and i wonder if i can have a better solution in the future.

In other words, I want for a solution where i can tailor the CMS for the customer according to his requirements.

I heard that Drupal is a good choice since it is more a content management framework and less a CMS, i wonder also about WordPress and Joomla since they’re both obviously easier to learn and work with. do i have to build a customized control panel for each client every time?

Any suggestions?

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