This is the plugin: I want to integrate it in my theme using the functions here described (in the link) but i don’t know how to do. This is the code (it displays 3 posts from a category) where i want to integrate it:
$thumbnails = get_posts('numberposts=3&cat=3');
foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail) {
if ( has_post_thumbnail($thumbnail->ID)) {
echo '<div class="contest-home"><a href="' . get_permalink( $thumbnail->ID ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( $thumbnail->post_title ) . '">';
echo get_the_post_thumbnail($thumbnail->ID, 'medium', array('class'=> "blur") );
echo '</a>';
echo '<h2><center>' . esc_attr( $thumbnail->post_title ) . '</center></h2>';
echo get_post_meta($thumbnail->ID, "RiassuntoHome", true);
echo '<p><b>Giorni restanti:</b> Here it should be the function';
echo '<br><b>Premio: </b>'. get_post_meta($thumbnail->ID, "Montepremi", true) . '';
echo '</p><center><a class="btn-contest-home" href="' . get_permalink( $thumbnail->ID ) . '">Invia la Tua Idea</a></center></div>';
use a short code where you wants to display the timer short code looks like [countdown_timer]
here is the like for more parameters in short code
if you like to use this short in a php files use like this