Echo page description from Yoast on wordpress

I have installed WordPress SEO by Yoast onto a site Im building. They have an area when you can add the description for the meta information.

However I want to add this to a twitter meta tag:

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<meta name="twitter:description" content="">

Does anyone know how to grab the description and output it for a single page?


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  1. wpseo_get_value('metadesc'); has been deprecated

    Please use WPSEO_Meta::get_value("metadesc");

    <?php echo WPSEO_Meta::get_value("metadesc"); ?>
  2. If you need to add twitter:description meta data. Please follow below steps.

     - Login to admin panel
     - Go to menu item SEO->Social
     - Uncheck the checkbox Add Open Graph meta data
     - Go to tab Twitter
     - Check the checkbox Add Twitter card meta data
     - Click on save changes

    Now if you visit the post page or any single page, you can see a meta tag with name twitter:description added to the head.

    Hope this works for you