I have a question about WP_Query. Let’s say you have a large number of posts in a custom post type with custom fields. Some of those custom fields are address information like street address, city and state. What I want to do is display a list of all states and how many posts are in each state.
I’ve succeeded at getting the number of results per state, but I am seeing multiple listings of the state. If there are 3 records in WV, i am seeing WV listed three times. That is consistent for each state.
I am attempting to do something like a “GROUP BY” but i am not having any success with that.
I blame part of my confusion on that it is a custom field that is holding the address so i’m not sure how to group them by the state.
Here is my code:
$stateqry = array(
'post_type' => 'plf',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'meta_key' => 'state',
'order' => 'DESC',
'status' => 'published'
$loop = new WP_Query( $stateqry );
while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
$firmName = get_the_title($post->ID);
$profileLink = get_permalink($post->ID);
$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$addressLine1 = $custom["addressLine1"][0];
$addressLine2 = $custom["addressLine2"][0];
$city = $custom["city"][0];
$state = $custom["state"][0];
// get the PLF count by state
$getPLFs = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta
WHERE meta_key = 'state' AND meta_value = '$state'
GROUP BY meta_value" );
Then I am trying to do a foreach:
<?php foreach($getPLFs as $plf) {
$state_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT( meta_value ) FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'state' AND meta_value = '$state' " );
<div class="statebox <?php echo $state; ?>">
<h1><?php echo $state; ?>: <?php echo $state_count; ?></h1>
<?php } ?>
<?php endwhile; wp_reset_query(); ?>
Anyone have some suggestions on how i fix my query to group the states together and show a count of the number of posts in each state?
Unless you need all the other details, I’d do this in a single query, not using
or the loop at all. Something like (this is untested, as I don’t currently have access to a test system):Then just loop over the results (again untested):