PHP swear word filter

I’m working on a WordPress plugin that replaces the bad words from the comments with random new ones from a list.

I now have 2 arrays: one containing the bad words and another containing the good words.

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$bad = array("bad", "words", "here");
$good = array("good", "words", "here");

Since I’m a beginner, I got stuck at some point.

In order to replace the bad words, I’ve been using $newstring = str_replace($bad, $good, $string);.

My first problem is that I want to turn off the case sensivity, so I won’t put the words like this "bad", "Bad", "BAD", "bAd", "BAd", etc but I need the new word to keep the format of the original word, for example if I write “Bad”, it would be replaced with “Words”, but if I type “bad”, it would be replaced with “words”, etc.

My first tought was to use str_ireplace, but it forgets if the original word had a capital letter.

The second problem is that I don’t know how to deal with the users that type like this: “b a d”, “w o r d s”, etc. I need an idea.

In order to make it select a random word, I think I can use $new = $good[rand(0, count($good)-1)]; then $newstring = str_replace($bad, $new, $string);. If you have a better idea, I’m here to listen.

The general look of my script:

function noswear($string)
    if ($string)
        $bad = array("bad", "words");
        $good = array("good", "words"); 
        $newstring = str_replace($bad, $good, $string);     
        return $newstring;

echo noswear("I see bad words coming!");

Thank you in advance for your help!

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  1. Precursor

    There are (as has been pointed out in the comments numerous times) gaping holes for you – and/or your code – to fall into through implementing such a feature, to name but a few:

    1. People will add characters to fool the filter
    2. People will become creative (e.g. innuendo)
    3. People will use passive aggression and sarcasm
    4. People will use sentences/phrases not just words

    You’d do better to implement a moderation/flagging system where people can flag offensive comments which can then be edited/removed by mods, users, etc.

    On that understanding, let us proceed…


    Given that you:

    1. Have a forbidden word list $bad_words
    2. Have a replacement word list $good_words
    3. Want to replace bad words regardless of case
    4. Want to replace bad words with random good words
    5. Have a correctly escaped bad word list: see

    You can very easily use PHPs preg_replace_callback function:

    $input_string = 'This Could be interesting but should it be? Perhaps this 'would' work; or couldn't it?';
    $bad_words  = array('could', 'would', 'should');
    $good_words = array('might', 'will');
    function replace_words($matches){
        global $good_words;
        return $matches[1].$good_words[rand(0, count($good_words)-1)].$matches[3];
    echo preg_replace_callback('/(^|b|s)('.implode('|', $bad_words).')(b|s|$)/i', 'replace_words', $input_string);

    Okay, so what the preg_replace_callback does is it compiles a regex pattern consisting of all of the bad words. Matches will then be in the format:


    The i modifier makes it case insensitive so both bad and Bad would match.

    The function replace_words then takes the matched word and it’s boundaries (either blank or a white space character) and replaces it with the boundaries and a random good word.

    global $good_words; <-- Makes the $good_words variable accessible from within the function
    $matches[1] <-- The word boundary before the matched word
    $matches[3] <-- The word boundary after  the matched word
    $good_words[rand(0, count($good_words)-1] <-- Selects a random good word from $good_words

    Anonymous function

    You could rewrite the above as a one liner using an anonymous function in the preg_replace_callback

    echo preg_replace_callback(
            '/(^|b|s)('.implode('|', $bad_words).')(b|s|$)/i',
            function ($matches) use ($good_words){
                return $matches[1].$good_words[rand(0, count($good_words)-1)].$matches[3];

    Function wrapper

    If you’re going to use it multiple times you may also write it as a self-contained function, although in this case you’re most likely going to want to feed the good/bad words in to the function when calling it (or hard code them in there permanently) but that depends on how you derive them…

    function clean_string($input_string, $bad_words, $good_words){
        return preg_replace_callback(
            '/(^|b|s)('.implode('|', $bad_words).')(b|s|$)/i',
            function ($matches) use ($good_words){
                return $matches[1].$good_words[rand(0, count($good_words)-1)].$matches[3];
    echo clean_string($input_string, $bad_words, $good_words);


    Running the above functions consecutively with the input and word lists shown in the first example:

    This will be interesting but might it be? Perhaps this 'will' work; or couldn't it?
    This might be interesting but might it be? Perhaps this 'might' work; or couldn't it?
    This might be interesting but will it be? Perhaps this 'will' work; or couldn't it?

    Of course the replacement words are chosen randomly so if I refreshed the page I’d get something else… But this shows what does/doesn’t get replaced.


    Escaping $bad_words

    foreach($bad_words as $key=>$word){
        $bad_words[$key] = preg_quote($word);

    Word boundaries b

    In this code I’ve used b, s, and ^ or $ as word boundaries there is a good reason for this. While white space, start of string, and end of string are all considered word boundaries b will not match in all cases, for example:

    b$h1tb <---Will not match

    This is because b matches against non-word characters (i.e. [^a-zA-Z0-9]) and characters like $ don’t count as word characters.


    Depending on the size of your word list there are a couple of potential hiccups. From a system design perspective it’s generally bad form to have huge regexes for a couple of reasons:

    1. It can be difficult to maintain
    2. It’s difficult to read/understand what it does
    3. It’s difficult to find errors
    4. It can be memory intensive if the list is too large

    Given that the regex pattern is compiled by PHP the first reason is negated. The second should be negated as well; if you’re word list is large with a dozen permutations of each bad word then I suggest you stop and rethink your approach (read: use a flagging/moderation system).

    To clarify, I don’t see a problem have a small word list to filter out specific expletives as it serves a purpose: to stop users from having an outburst at one another; the problem comes when you try to filter out too much including permutations. Stick to filtering common swear words and if that doesn’t work then – for the last time – implement a flagging/moderation system.

  2. I came up to this method and it’s working fine. Returning true, in case there is an entry of bad words in the entry.


    function badWordsFilter($inputWord) {
      $badWords = Array("bad","words","here");
      for($i=0;$i<count($badWords);$i++) {
         if($badWords[$i] == strtolower($inputWord))
            return true;
      return false;


    if (badWordsFilter("bad")) {
        echo "Bad word was found";
    } else {
        echo "No bad words detected";

    As the word ‘bad’ is blacklisted it will echo.

    Online example 1

    EDIT 1:

    As offered by rid it’s also possible to do simple in_array check:

    function badWordsFilter($inputWord) {
      $badWords = Array("bad","words","here");
         if(in_array(strtolower($inputWord), $badWords) ) {
            return true;
      return false;

    Online example 2

    EDIT 2:

    As I promised, I came up to the slightly different idea of replacing bad words with good words, as you mentioned in your question. I hope it will help you a bit but this is the best I can offer at the moment, as I’m totally not sure on what you’re trying to do.


    1. Let’s combine an array with bad and good words into one

    $wordsTransform = array(
      'shit' => 'ship'

    2. Your imaginary user input

    $string = "Rolling In The Deep by Adeln
    There's a fire starting in my heartn
    Reaching a fever pitch, and it's bringing me out the darkn
    Finally I can see you crystal clearn
    Go ahead and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare";

    3. Replacing bad words with good words

    $string = strtr($string, $wordsTransform);

    4. Getting the desired output

    Rolling In The Deep

    There’s a fire starting in my heart
    Reaching a fever pitch, and it’s bringing me out the dark
    Finally I can see you crystal clear
    Go ahead and sell me out and I’ll lay your ship bare

    Online example 3

    EDIT 3:

    To follow the correct comment from Wrikken, I have totally forgotten about that strtr is case sensitive and that it’s better to follow word-boundary. I have borrowed the following example from
    PHP: strtr – Manual and modified it slightly.

    Same idea as in my second edit but not register dependent, it checks for word boundaries and puts a backslash in front of every character that is part of the regular expression syntax:

    1. Method:

    // Written by Patrick Rauchfuss
    class String
        public static function stritr(&$string, $from, $to = NULL)
                $string = preg_replace("/b{$from}b/i", $to, $string);
            else if(is_array($from))
                foreach ($from as $key => $val)
                    self::stritr($string, $key, $val);
            return preg_quote($string); // return and add a backslash to special characters

    2. An array with bad and good words

    $wordsTransform = array(
                'shit' => 'ship'

    3. Replacement

    String::stritr($string, $wordsTransform);

    Online example 4