Is possible to get the continent from where the user it is accessing a site?
I do know i can get the language of the browser like this:::
$lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
switch ($lang){
case "fr":
//echo "PAGE FR";
include("index_fr.php");//include check session FR
case "it":
//echo "PAGE IT";
case "en":
//echo "PAGE EN";
//echo "PAGE EN - Setting Default";
include("index_en.php");//include EN in all other cases of different lang detection
Also i do know there is something php
function call -> geoip_continent_code_by_name
which if a pass a string with the host name it will return me:
Code Continent name
AF Africa
AN Antarctica
AS Asia
EU Europe
NA North america
OC Oceania
SA South america
But this only returns me the host name, so is there any way to get the same result but for the user who is accessing the site? or is even possible to do?
I recommend using the Maxmind GeoLite2 database starting out. It is has a creative commons license, and you can upgrade to the commercial GeoIP2 database at a later time if you need more complete IP coverage. The country and continent codes are available in this database.
I describe how to compile the extension, and how to use the mmdb databases in PHP here:
Intro to Maxmind GeoLite2 with Kohana PHP
You can acquire a geo location database based on the user’s IP address in $_SERVER[“REMOTE_ADDR”] and determine the city / country from there.
MaxMind provides a free city/country database here: