i used wp_editor
function to implement editor in a plugin.it is implemented but when i type some text(in visual mode) and hit save. it is not saving the value in options.php. but if i edit (in text mode) enter some text and then if i save at the time it is saving the value in options.php
Here is the sample code
$editor = get_option('message');
$opt = array("textarea_name" => "message[textarea]");
wp_editor( $editor['textarea'], "message[textarea]", $opt );
Why it is saving the values if edit in text mode but not in visual mode? can anyone help?
After Posting Question
Another format i tried after posting this question Here too the same problem
Basic (with mandatory required feild)
$content1 = get_option('val');
wp_editor( $content1, $editor_id );
Try disabling all of your plugins, and then re-activate them one by one testing after each activation. I had this issue a while ago, and took me forever to work out.