Still fairly new to NGINX.
I have a wordpress site which will be the root site, and a rails app which should be in a subdirectory ( I previously had this working with Passenger, but wanted to check out Puma (looking for zero downtime deploy).
I have another rails app working fine on Puma, and my wordpress site is working too. But I can’t seem to get my portal app to show up underneath my wordpress app. Before, with passenger, I symlinked the portal app inside the wordpress site and added some passenger directives to Nginx.
# Use rails app inside wordpress
location /portal {
rails_env development;
passenger_min_instances 2;
passenger_enabled on;
passenger_base_uri /portal;
I tried changing this to use root:
# With symlinked /var/www/portal/public -> /var/www/website/public/portal
location /portal {
root /var/www/portal/public;
But no matter what I do I either get forbidden or not found errors.
Everything I’ve found is for passenger, or a wordpress site inside the rails app. How can I use Puma, and put my rails app inside a wordpress site?
Here are my complete nginx configs for the two sites: