Can not remove Google+ button

I have a wordpress site and am using the plugin ‘Yet Another Social Plugin’ to add social buttons at the end of each post. The problem is on my mobile site which I have customized with WP-Mobile is showing these buttons. I am able to remove all of them except the G+ button. I am able to get it removed using visibility: none; when I do a live edit inside of Chrome developer console but when I apply that in the css it is ignored and I am not even seeing it when I view that tag/class. Is there some trick or something weird about the +1 button that I am missing?

You can view a picture of the issue here,

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and a good ‘test page’ is here,

Our test site is currently I am just spoofing my User agent to view it on my computer.

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  1. Edit

    Sorry, I didn’t see that you were talking about your mobile site.

    In this case, add

        display: none;

    to your CSS – it will hide the entire iframe.

    As your G+ “a” as no ID nor class, edit your css to add

    .socialmedia-buttons a:nth-child(2) {
        display: none;

    Consider using display:none; rather than visibility:hidden;, as the visibility property holds the placeholder of your div while display suppress it of the flow.

    Visibility:hidden; =>
    enter image description here

    This should do the trick (tried with Chrome inspector on this page).