Comments feed – Undefined named entity: ndash

I used to have a rss comment feed at the url /comments/feed which doesn’t work anymore.

I checked the feed on feedvalidator and I’ve an error

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line 111, column 29: Undefined named entity: ndash [help]

The line in question is comment where the content is

<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
<description>Ou mettre des &ndash; à la place des -
Mais oui la solution de rcommande fonctionne bien :)</description>

In the context, it is normal that there was an &ndash; there (explaining to write -- with &ndash;&ndash;).

Any idea how to fix this feed error ?

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1 comment

  1. This issue may be the same over here:

    Its currently submitted as a bug and hasn’t been fixed yet. You can give the supplied attachment a go to see if it fixes the issue for you.

    <description>Ou mettre des &ndash; à la place des -
    Mais oui la solution de rcommande fonctionne bien :)</description>
            <content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Ou mettre des &amp;ndash; à la place des -<br />
    Mais oui la solution de rcommande fonctionne bien <img src='' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' /> </p>

    You can see in your feed that the &ndash; is properly encoded in content but not the description.

    Quick fix is to delete the comment with the &ndash; in it.