TinyMCE visual editor hyperlink button not working in WordPress 3.5

When i click the insert hyperlin button in the visual editor it literally does nothing. I ran the console in IE to see any errors which i’ve listed below…

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'wpdialog'

editor_plugin.js?ver=358-23224, line 1 character 471

does anyone know why this is and how to fix it?

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any help most appreciated 🙂

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  1. In order for link to work, include the “wordpress” in the list of plugins to load in TinyMCE. For instance in the settings or tinymce.init({…}) initialization object you would add:
    plugins : “paste wplink media wordpress”

    Whenever you select some text then click the link icon, a small popup window opens to let you enter the URL in a text box.