Can I use Contact Form DB plugin in my wordpress site for saving and displaying data without sending emails

I want to create a wordpress custom plugin for saving three fields of data and also an image of the same from wp-admin area for every item. It should be able to display all these items in a page.
When I searched for a plugin I found Contact Form DB plugin which can be used as contact form 7 plugin extension for saving data send through it..

Can I use Contact Form DB plugin in my wordpress site for saving and displaying data without sending emails? It also sends email but I only want to store and display data.

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Another problem:- I’m already using a contact form from contact form 7 plugin for sending email enquiries.. Will the changes for saving data in contact form 7 affect its working?

Please help me with any reference or solution as I’m new to wordpress and currently don’t know about plugin development.
Any help will be greatly appreciated..
Thanks in advance.

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  1. You can use wpcf7_before_send_mail action hook to prevent form being sent to email..
    (I have tested this with “Contact Form DB” plugin – it saves data before email is filtered)

    To filter only specific Form IDs – use something like this:

    function wpcf7_skip_email_sending($wpcf7_data)
        if ( in_array($wpcf7_data->id(), array(2,3,7)) ) {
            $wpcf7_data->skip_mail = true;
    add_action("wpcf7_before_send_mail", "wpcf7_skip_email_sending");

    (For older CF7 version you might have to change $wpcf7_data->id() to $wpcf7_data->id)

  2. If you setup the Contact form 7 and put in a junk or noreply email address to send the message to on Contact form 7 it will still log the message being sent in the contact form DB

    So in the shortcode template send message to and whenever a user submits it will try to send to that email and will still log the email as being sent. Personally I would actually create that email address so that your smtp doesn’t get flooded with bounce back from smtp server.

  3. To avoid sending emails, without even touching the files, the fastest way is to add in the additional settings tab

    demo_mode: on


    skip_mail: on

    With Contact Form DB both works fine. The difference is that demo_mode won’t work with Flamingo.