How to have a custom URL structure for a custom post type?

Even though this question sounds like others here is my problem:

The site I am updating had a permalink structure of /%postname%, during this time I created a custom post type of “popups” (rewrite slug = ‘popups’) so the urls were:

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Now the site has a blog, and the permalink structure has been changed to /blog/%postname%, this changed the custom post type url structure to:


I want to keep the blog permalink structure as /blog/%postname% but I want to have a custom url structure for my custom post type that is not tied to the blog permalink. So instead of the urls for my custom post type of popups showing up as:


I want it to show up as:


while retaining the blog permalink of /blog/%postname%

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  1. When you registered the post type, one of the arguments was rewrite, which took an array. make sure there’s a with_front argument in the rewrite array, and set it to false.

    $args = array(
        // other stuf...
        'rewrite' => array( 
             'slug' => 'popups',
             'with_front' => false
         // other stuf...
    register_post_type( 'type', $args );

    That should take care of it.

    Important: Be sure to flush your rewrite rules after changing the code (go to settings > permalinks and hit save).