I’m new to MySQL. I have problem with my WordPress plugin. I try to call data from database plugin by another plugin.
Here is the data that i want to call (from file wp-affiliasi/memberarea.php)
<?php if ($datasponsor->nama) echo '<p>Nama Sponsor : <b>'.$datasponsor->nama.'</b>'; ?>
I want to show it in wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php
To call the data I am looking this file because it shows the data right. wp-affiliasi/memberarea.php
. Here’s the code:
global $premium, $freemember;
$member = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `wp_member` WHERE idwp = '$user_ID'");
$sponsor = $member->id_referral;
if ($user_ID != 1) {
$datasponsor = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `wp_member` WHERE idwp = '$sponsor'");
$datakomisi = get_option('komisi');
if ($member->membership == 2 || $datakomisi['pps'][0]['free']>0) :
I have copy that code to wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php
, but still I can see the data
in wpsc-shopping_cart_page.php
. Here’s the code:
global $wpsc_cart, $wpdb, $wpsc_checkout, $wpsc_gateway, $wpsc_coupons;
$wpsc_checkout = new wpsc_checkout();
$wpsc_gateway = new wpsc_gateways();
$alt = 0;
$wpsc_coupons = new wpsc_coupons($_SESSION['coupon_numbers']);
if(wpsc_cart_item_count() < 1) :
_e('Daftar belanja Anda kosong.', 'wpsc') . "<a href=".get_option("product_list_url").">" . __('Please visit our shop', 'wpsc') . "</a>";
How do I call that data?