I am using the carouFredsel plugin in a pretty basic way – 4 slides with copy, 4 tabs on the side to serve as “navigation” between the slides. This plugin has a build-in pagination function that automatically builds pagination with the numbers 1-x as the text you can click on to go to that slide. I need custom text to be in there — and have spent a long time trying to figure out a way, but can’t see one. I am a novice with Jquery.
Also I should mention I am pulling in the slide content dynamically through WordPress, but do not need dynamic pagination copy. Any solution will do!
<script type="text/javascript">
var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
$j(document).ready(function() {
// Using custom configuration
items : 1,
direction : "left",
auto : {
play :false,
pagination : "#home-banner_pag",
scroll : {
items : 1,
fx : "fade",
duration : 200
Try replacing
pagination: "#home-banner_pag",
widthpagination: {anchorBuilder: function(nr) { return '<a href="#"><span>'+'custom text here'+nr+'</span></a>'; }},
Didn’t tested but should be like that.