I’m having an issue with the following code:
i’m initializing an tinyMCE editor in WordPress:
wp_editor("<div>HTML content</div>", "id-of-editor", $settings);
This generates an tinyMCE editor within an iframe. Inside that iframe i have a dropppable jquery ui div.
I want to drop content from outside the iframe, into the iframe.
So far i have made this:
$( "#drag" ).draggable({
helper: "clone",
accept: "#drag",
Everything works, except for one thing. There is a 150px offset between the cursor position, and the real drag position.
Because of this, the drag event only is detected when i put the draggable item far away from the droppable zone.
Any help ?
Thanks in advance. Sorry for my bad english! It’s not my native language.
Image Description of the problem: