I can’t format text in th edit page (or posts) whats wrong..?

Well like it says – I edit a Page, I want to use bold or italics, or colours.
Or I want to add a break so that text appears on different lines, but whatever I do – when I save the page and view it Alla the formatting is gone and the text all appears on the same line.

If I click the ‘visual’ tab it looks just as I’d like it, but not when I view the web site.

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Would a style sheet override my formatting..?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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  1. There are a few things that could cause the issue, or I should say a combination of things. With the formatting problems, you might have the “!important css” declaration overriding your CSS from the page/post editor.

    Here is an example:

    .post {
          font-family:Verdana, sans-serif;
          font-size:14px !important;

    Or I want to add a break so that text
    appears on different lines

    This could be a few issues, the best way to correct it is to use the plug-in TinyMce Advanced

    Install the plugin, then go to Appearance>TinyMce, in the options that appear towards the bottom of the screen select the check-box that says Stop removing p tags. You can also check the box that says import editor style. If your theme has a specific file for the editor it will be used, if not it will try to emulate the css of your theme automatically.

    See the image for the TinyMce Settings:
    TinyMce Advanced Settings Screenshot