I don’t know what is wrong with menu_order but the posts are not displayed as I want. Here is what I mean
I have 3 posts in my blog. Here is how db looks like
id ..... menu_order
56 ..... 2
59 ..... 5
65 ..... 3
index.php (my custom theme)
I want to display only image so here is the code that I use
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
$images = get_children(
array( 'post_parent' => $post->ID,
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_mime_type' => 'image',
'orderby' => 'menu_order',
'order' => 'DESC',
'numberposts' => 999 )
if( $images )
$total_images = count( $images );
$image = array_shift( $images );
echo wp_get_attachment_image($image->ID, 'full', 0, array('id' => 'photo'));
endwhile; // end of the loop.
The problem is that the posts are displayed in order with id 65,59,56 and not as I expect 59,65, 56
What is wrong with this ?
Use the following code. It will solve your issue
‘sort_column’ => ‘menu_order’
I would use
with the same parameters instead. See here.Seems like this
isn’t what you’d think, eg. the order you have chosen on your site custom menu. Instead it’s the order you set every page under writing… This is not what I want either so I made this solution:sort_column=menu_order only sorts pages based on their order in writing not the order you set in view > menus (translated), if you want that you can do like this:
when you populate the menu, add