I was looking at the source output of the WordPress function the_content(), and noticed that the html formatting was strange.
<p> <inline element> 'text node' </inline element> </p>
'text node'
<p> <inline element> 'text node' </inline element> </p>
'text node'
I was using a php DOM parser editing textContent, and found that all of the text nodes except those in inline element tags were not in a p tag.
So they are textContent of the div tag that contains the content.
I was wondering if this was my fault or if wordPress just has bad output. I think it would be unlikely for such a widely used cms to have such a basic formatting issue.
I still don’t know if other theme developers have found this issue with wordPress.
in any case I wrote a small snip-it to fix it.
function setDOM(){
$html = get_the_content();
$html = trim( preg_replace( '/s+/', ' ', $html ) );
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
$textNodes = $xpath->query('//text()');
foreach($textNodes as $textNode){
$parent = $textNode->parentNode;
if (($parent->nodeName !== 'em') &&
($parent->nodeName !== 'strong') &&
($parent->nodeName !== 'a') &&
($parent->nodeName !== 'dt')) {
$txt = $textNode->textContent;
$newP = $dom->createElement('p');
$newTxt = $dom->createTextNode($txt);
$parent->replaceChild($newP, $textNode);
return $dom;
$dom = setDOM();
echo $dom->saveHTML();
I am admittedly a PHP novice and any tips or feedback on that snip-it would be appreciated.