Unable to get Number of Comments

I’ am using RSS Feeds generated from WordPress Blogs to fetch some Information. WordPress is just too good in providing comprehensive information about a Post and it is quite easy to extract Number of Comments for a Post in RSS Feed. Now the problem is that I didn’t find any way to get Number of Comments from RSS Feeds generated by Drupal and Joomla Blogs.

Is there any way to do this?

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Any help would be really appriciated.

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  1. Have you tried using feedburner by google? feedburner.google.com/ I have in the past had the same issue and for some reason running it through feedburner first seemed to help.

  2. Here is a cool Drupal module that may help you. If your rss field is not generated by views. First Move it into views. Then use this module to output the comment count as a field


    Otherwise you’ll need to do some theme overrides in the template layer. Drupal does not provide a default method for customizing the core rss feed.