I have a custom content type “balloons”, and I’ve assigned a parent category to a “balloon” item, “Water Balloon”
I’ve made the Balloon category a primary menu item. I want a link to “Water Balloon” to show in the dropdown, as it would if it was a page.
I don’t know how to do this, or if it’s possible. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
If i understand the question correct then you need this:
this code assumes that your category name is “Water Balloon” and your post type is named “balloons” if not simply change that.
It’s very likely you have some kind of collusion somewhere. Is it possible you have something like?
register_post_type( 'balloon', $args );
and alsoregister_taxonomy( 'balloon', array('balloon'), $args );
Take a look at the code below. It’s a complete plugin. Compare this with your code.