hi i’m trying to insert a short code into a Text widget but all its doing it showing the code and not processing it.
<?php echo do_shortcode(' [stream embed=false share=false width=500 height=560 dock=true controlbar=bottom bandwidth=high autostart=false playlistfile=http://www.xxx.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/playlist.xml config=http://www.xxx.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/config_for_playlist.xml playlist=bottom repeat=none /] '); ?>
the text widget doesn’t do php….
Here’s my fave solution
It’s from Otto, so ya know it’s good. Based heavily on the text widget, but allows for php
[stream /]
is ‘real’ shortcode (not everything in square bracket is shortcode) then try to add this to functions.php of your theme:related: Stream Video Player does not work with do_shortcode()? ?