Theme Options Panels, What are some good examples from Frameworks or Premium Themes?

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Does anyone know any other good implementations of an options panel from a Framework or from another premium Theme? I think its a major factor in deciding whether to use a theme. I’d like to get a good list of whats being done out there. WordPress StackExchange Community, what are your thoughts in general this?

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  1. Of the few I’ve seen, I think that most “premium” Themes way over-complicate Theme Settings pages. I generally prefer Theme Settings pages that maintain the style/layout of the rest of the WP-Admin UI. So, these would be my rules of thumb:

    1. Incorporate meaningful settings, and not necessarily every possible setting under the sun.
    2. Organize settings logically.
    3. Maintain consistent layout/style with the rest of the WP-Admin UI, including Settings fields, sections, and page tabs. Note: use of the Settings API makes this dead-simple.
  2. I personally do not like theme option panels. The reason why is to much bulk. I don’t mind if there are a few options like easy logo changing, fixed or fluid width, and some other low options. I tend to just stick with hard coding any thing into a theme without options unless a client wants that.

    And as far a frameworks are you talking about what yootheme’s warp, rocket themes gravity, etc. Is that what you mean by frameworks. If so i don’t care for these as much as some plugins do not work well with them

  3. “Theme” options panels that do more than adjust the visual aspects of the site are a nuisance. They shouldn’t bundle SEO into them, they shouldn’t bundle custom post types. Specifically, they shouldn’t ever tie your content to their theme, creating a lock in solution that sucks for long term.