There is no good documentation in the plugin official site
I am trying to making a web shop in WordPress with wp-ecommerce pluign. But i don’t find any good documentation in the web. Even the official site for the plugin is not helping.
Do you know any site or good tutorial about the wp-ecommerce plugin? I will really appreciate if you can share your personal experience with me.
When i first used it I followed the tuts up ate YouTube, here are a few good ones that I have bookmarked:
Installing and Setting up WP-eCommerce WordPress Plugin – Pt: 1
Installing and Setting up WP-eCommerce WordPress Plugin – Pt: 2
profile with helpful videos
The below are the sites which will be more helpful throughout your wp ecommerce projects
It’s official site:
And further documentation you can visit:
Documentation for the WP e-Commerce Plugin can be found at: