wordpress 3.3 relative paths in CSS

I want to add an image to be a background of the header, the thing is that I don’t want to add an absolute path since I’m doing this on my pc and them is to upload to my server.

should the <?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?> work in the css? It is not working here.

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#branding {
    background: url("<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/background2.jpg") repeat-x repeat-y;
    height: 150px;

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  1. No, you can’t use PHP within a CSS file.

    You can still use a relative path. This example will work if your CSS file and images directory are in the same directory. WordPress knows this is relative to the theme.

    #branding {
        background: url("images/background2.jpg") repeat-x repeat-y;
        height: 150px;

    If the images directory is in a parent of the CSS file:

    #branding {
        background: url("../images/background2.jpg") repeat-x repeat-y;
        height: 150px;
  2. Somehow @developdaly solution did not work for me, but this helped:

    .img-div {
      background-image: url("wp-content/themes/your-theme/assets/images/your-img.jpg");
  3. As a SASS/SCSS user, I find the simplest way to solve this problem is to declare the URL as a variable in your .scss file:

    $wpLocation: '/wp-content/themes/themename/';

    Then reference it like this:

    $background: url($wpLocation + "/whateverfile.jpg");