How can I search and replace all files recursively to remove some rogue code injected into php files on a wordpress installation? The hacker added some code (below) to ALL of the .php
files in my wordpress installation, and it happens fairly often to many sites, and I spend hours manually removing the code.
Today I tried a number of techniques I found online, but had no luck due to the long code snippet and the many special characters in it that mess up the delimiters. I tried using different delimiters with perl:
perl -p -i -e 's/rogue_code//g' *
perl -p -i -e 's{rogue_code}{}g' *
and tried using backslashes to escape the slashes in the code, but nothing seems to work. I’m working on a shared server, so I don’t have full access to all the directories outside my own.
Thanks a lot…here’s the code:
< ?php /**/ eval(base64_decode("aWYoZnVuY3
... snip tons of this ...
sgIH1lbHNleyAgICB9ICB9"));? >
Without having a chance to poke around the files myself, it’s hard to be sure; but it sounds like you need:
(That said, I agree with the commenters above that trying to undo the damage, piecemeal, after it happens is not the best strategy.)
Sounds like you need to do a better job of cleaning the hack or change hosts. Replace all WP core files and foldere, all plugins, and then all you have to do is search theme files and wp-config.php for the injected scripts.
See How to completely clean your hacked wordpress installation and How to find a backdoor in a hacked WordPress and Hardening WordPress « WordPress Codex and Recommended WordPress Web Hosting
I have the same problem (Dreamhost?) and first run this
find . -name '*.php' -exec perl '{}' ; >
and then I run
I also found that there were other differently infected files (“boostrap” infecters, those which triggered the other infection), which instead of the
call had some hex-escaped command… To detect them,
:And then:
find . -name '*.php' -type f -exec ./ '{}' ;
Of course, all this is not foolproof at all.