After server migration only the homepage works

I have recently changed hosting of my WordPress site to I have moved all of my files and imported the database. Everything appeared to be fine until I clicked a link and noticed that all of my pages are bringing back a 404 except the homepage.

Site URL is

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  1. I had faced the same problem.

    I did the following to resolve it on an Ubuntu Server:

    1. In /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, edit AllowOverride None for /var/www/ to AllowOverride All

    2. Type in the following command to enable mod_rewrite for .htaccess

    sudo a2enmod rewrite

    1. Restart your apache server:

    sudo service apache2 restart

    The problem solved!!!

  2. In Ubuntu 14.04 – the 000-default.conf file can be found here /etc/apache2/sites-available

    Or if you run multiple wp the virtual host setting would be your config file name. e.g. domain.conf

    You have to replace AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All

    Hope this will work.

  3. The reason is most likely that the .htaccess file wasn’t copied over. On Mac OS X, and in some FTP applications, this file is considered “hidden” because it starts with a .. If you go to the Settings -> Permalinks section in your admin section, you can regenerate this file, but it’s probably best to find the version you had previously and use that again (especially if you use a caching plugin).

  4. Do you get a web server 404 or a WordPress 404? If it’s a web server 404, you most likely didn’t copy the root htaccess file over from the old installation, or it doesn’t have correct permissions to run.

    My first troubleshooting item would be to check and see if an htaccess file exists in the root. And if so, what it contains.