I am trying to move my database offsite to a separate dedicated box which my wordpress can connect to remotely. I have already done the requisite dumps, imports, and permissions. After changing wp-config’s DB_HOST from localhost to the remote IP, I am getting the big bold “ERROR ESTABLISHING CONNECTION” message and a blank page.
I can currently access the remote mysql database from linux commandline using:
mysql -u USER -p -h REMOTE_IP
and everything works fine. so I know all the permissions are set up, and everything is in order.
Yet when I put the same credentials into the silly wordpress config, it’s not working. Any ideas? I turned on mysql error logging but nothing is showing up from these failed attempts.
This is old but I’ll reply anyway in case anyone comes across this.
I had a similar problem earlier. My config file was correct and my database was remotely accessible from my box running apache, like your situation. I figured the problem had to be that apache wasn’t allowed to make a connection to the database… or something along those lines.
That being said, try running this if SELinux is enabled:
Sounds like you need the IP of the remote database server for wp-config.php, i.e.:
then try this
mysql -h your_target_ip -u user_name -p
If it shows any error please replay here I will help you