Multisite: setting theme and options when a new blog is created

When a new blog is created in a WP Multisite instance I want to be able to set the default theme and configuration options

What’s the best way to go about achieving this?

  • which hook should i use – I’m going to use this: (‘WP_DEFAULT_THEME’, ‘theme-folder-name’ in wp-config.php to set the default theme – unless this prevents a needed hook from firing.

  • easiest way to programatically create menus and associate them with existing theme menu ‘slots’

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  1. The best hook I can find is wpmu_new_blog (line 1086, wp-includes/ms-functions.php, wpmu_create_blog()) – it passes 6 arguments like so;

    do_action( 'wpmu_new_blog', $blog_id, $user_id, $domain, $path, $site_id, $meta );

    $meta is an array of initial site options, not to be confused with the options generated by populate_options().

    Programatically creating nav menus may prove to be a little tricky, as there is no ‘API’ as such – they’re a mix of posts, post meta and nav_menu terms, coupled with a few available functions such as is_nav_menu_item() and wp_setup_nav_menu_item().

    My best advice would be to check out wp-admin/nav-menus.php, as this is where all the core code lies for creating menus.

    Using WP_DEFAULT_THEME should be fine, and is probably the best approach too.

  2. This is a little late, but I had to figure out the other part of this question on my own and thought I would share.

    To create a default menu and place it into a theme location, you will need a pre-existing location in the theme, and you will need to ensure any pages you link in your menu are also created already.

    In your theme’s function.php, register any menu locations. I registered two:

    function my_register_navs() {
            array( 'header-menu' => __( 'Header Menu' )
            , 'footer-menu' => __( 'Footer Menu' ) )
    add_action( 'init', 'my_register_navs' );

    Next, you will need to create your menus on site creation. I didn’t use a hook for this, but instead called wpmu_create_blog manually, but you could hook into wpmu_new_blog if you preferred.

    // Create the menus
    $hdr_menu = array(
        'menu-name'     => 'Header Menu'
        , 'description' => 'The primary navigation menu for this website'
    $header_menu = wp_update_nav_menu_object( 0, $hdr_menu );
    $ftr_menu = array(
        'menu-name'     => 'Footer Menu'
        , 'description' =>  'The menu that appears at the bottom of most pages in this website'
    $footer_menu = wp_update_nav_menu_object( 0, $ftr_menu );
    // Set the menus to appear in the proper theme locations
    $locations = get_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations');
    $locations['header-menu'] = $header_menu;
    $locations['footer-menu'] = $footer_menu;
    set_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations', $locations);

    Lastly, you’ll need to add items to the menus. Repeat this code for each item in each menu.

    // Build menu item
    $menu_item = array(
        'menu-item-object-id'       => $page_id
        , 'menu-item-parent-id'     => 0
        , 'menu-item-position'      => $menu_order
        , 'menu-item-object'        => 'page'
        , 'menu-item-type'          => 'post_type'
        , 'menu-item-status'        => 'publish'
        , 'menu-item-title'         => $label
    // Add to nav menu
    wp_update_nav_menu_item( $header_menu, 0, $menu_item );

    Hope this helps! Here are some external references for you:

  3. function mysite_wpmu_new_blog($blog_id)
        switch_theme('my-theme', 'my-theme');
    add_action('wpmu_new_blog', 'mysite_wpmu_new_blog');

    This works for me!