Create Custom Dropdown Box in Tinymce in WordPress for Shortcodes

Does anyone know how to create a custom dropdown box in tinymce for WordPress?
I need it to work with at least wordpress 3.0.

I have searched the internet for a tutorial on this and I cannot find one. A link to a website tutorial would be great.

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Thanks in advance.

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  1. I know this question was already asked some time ago, but as I stumbled across the same problem, I tought I’d answer this question anyways. Maybe it helps someone else.

    The comments in the source of the DropDown-Control in tinyMCE turned out to be really helpful.

    You just need to create a dropdown first, using createDropMenu(), then you can call the add() method to add items to the dropdown.

     * This class is used to create drop menus, a drop menu can be a
     * context menu, or a menu for a list box or a menu bar.
     * @class tinymce.ui.DropMenu
     * @extends tinymce.ui.Menu
     * @example
     * // Adds a menu to the currently active editor instance
     * var dm = tinyMCE.activeEditor.controlManager.createDropMenu('somemenu');
     * // Add some menu items
     * dm.add({title : 'Menu 1', onclick : function() {
     *     alert('Item 1 was clicked.');
     * }});
     * dm.add({title : 'Menu 2', onclick : function() {
     *     alert('Item 2 was clicked.');
     * }});
     * // Adds a submenu
     * var sub1 = dm.addMenu({title : 'Menu 3'});
     * sub1.add({title : 'Menu 1.1', onclick : function() {
     *     alert('Item 1.1 was clicked.');
     * }});
  2. this adds a button so you just need to tweak it to make a drop down box

    // register button
    function register_button($buttons) {  
       array_push($buttons, "btn");   
       return $buttons;  
    // add button
    function add_button() {  
       if ( current_user_can('edit_posts') &&  current_user_can('edit_pages') )  
         add_filter('mce_external_plugins', 'add_plugin');  
         add_filter('mce_buttons', 'register_button');  
    // add plugin
    function add_plugin($plugin_array) {  
        $plugin_array['btn'] =get_bloginfo('template_url').'/js/customcodes.js';
       return $plugin_array;  

    you will then need to add the to the js file

    (function() {  
        tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.btn', {  
            init : function(ed, url) {  
                ed.addButton('btn', {  
                    title : 'Add a btn',  
                    image : url+'/btn.png',  
                    onclick : function() {  
            createControl : function(n, cm) {  
                return null;  
        tinymce.PluginManager.add('btn', tinymce.plugins.btn);  