Using WordPress as a document library

I would like to include a “resources” section in a new WordPress site I’m creating. I was looking for a document library plugin for WP, and amazingly, couldn’t find anything that would work for the simple task of presenting a list of categories, and then displaying uploaded documents in those categories so they could be downloaded.

I could make a resources list by hand, making all the document links myself. But isn’t there a better way? You can’t even add categories to media library items. I thought about making a blog post for each document, putting those in categories, and then putting a link to the document in the body. But that seems too complicated as well, and I would have to write a special display page myself.

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Anyone have advice about how to build a document library using WordPress?

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  1. I use the Media Library Categories plugin to add categories. It does a wonderful job of adding category functionality, but the code could be improved upon and custom implementation requires some knowledge of PHP, as it only provides you with a shortcode and no documentation.

    This Question, maybe be able to help you if you choose this solution.

  2. I’d say that custom post types might be your best solution. Create a custom post type for the documents, then they stay out of your regular blog posts, and you can organize them however you see fit.

  3. Not sure if you have checked out Posts Table Pro, which does everything that you are asking. I have used it on a number of sites and the developer has even created a useful guide that shows you how to use it to make a document library: How To Create A WordPress Document Library. Hopefully this some help to yourself and/or anyone else who are stuck with the same issue 🙂 Thanks, Michael.