I’m trying to get a widget to only load javascript on a page where the widget is present.
I’ve tried adding the add action in the ‘showWidget’ didn’t work.
What am I doing wrong?
wp_register_sidebar_widget('MyWidget','MyWidget', 'showWidget');
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'addScript'); //now the script appears on every page
function addScript()
wp_register_script('MyWidgetJs', plugins_url( '/script.js' , __FILE__), array('jquery'));
function showWidget($args)
// add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'addScript'); //I tried this but it doesn't work :(
/* do widget stuff */
Seems that the new version of WordPress supports this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Version_3.3
Register your script, but don’t enqueue it. In your widget PHP, add in the wp_enqueue_script(‘your_script_name’); and it’ll load it only when your widget is used and place it in the footer.
You are going to upgrade to 3.3, right? 🙂
SO, something like this should work just fine:
You want to use is_active_widget() conditional to do something like:
using your above code the final widget may look like: