I am working on wordpress and I need to generate timely csv files for the client, this has to include basic information about post from wp_posts like title, time & author. In Addition to this, I am using custom fields to store post_count, author name, author_email and few more meta fields.
Structure of wp_postmeta
id, meta_key, meta_value
Structure of wp_posts
id, title, date
wp_posts & wp_postmeta has 1:N relation.
If I do a simple innerjoin with statement
SELECT * FROM wp_posts INNER JOIN wp_postmeta where wp_postmeta.post_id = wp_posts.id
then I get a row for each meta value, but what I want is each meta value to become a column and only one row per post.
How to write this query?
Please assume this to be a standard wordpress database.
if you are running MySQL:Old question but it popped up in my search. I used GROUP_CONCAT with key/value pairs as in: