Squiz Matrix vs Other CMS

According to:


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They have stated:

Most other open source content
management systems options such as,
Drupal, Typo3, Mambo, Joomla rely on
their developers community for
extensions/addons maintenance and
upgrades with no guarantee that they
would continue to do so. While having
large community is great, the
enterprise approach provides a
framework you can extend to your own
uses. Most users of Squiz Matrix want
this flexibility. They not only want
to roll out websites that feels like
they came pre-implemented in their
CMS, but also editing interfaces and
processes that match their internal
work processes. And all this needs to
be done without writing server-side
codes. This one area is where Squiz
Matrix Excels compared to other
traditional open source CMS.

What does this mean and is it true?

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  1. Here’s essentially what I believe that paragraph means, if I translate (after reviewing their product)…

    … starting with the last half of their paragraph first (because it’ll make more sense that way)…

    People who manage a CMS (web site) want to be able to drag and drop cool plugins and add-ons to their site without having to learn how to code. We can do that. But you want your plugins to “feel” like they’re actually part of your site (and not a tacked on after-thought). Ours do.

    We’re better than the other guys (like Drupal, Typo3, Mambo, Joomla) because… Yes, they also have all those cool plugins and add-ons that’ll work for you (without coding)… BUT… Because they’re “open source” and not “enterprise” you can’t rely on them! Who knows where those open source plugin developers will be in a year or two!

    … this one sentence has no translation…

    While having large community is great, the enterprise approach provides a framework you can extend to your own uses.

    If I were to try, it would sound something like this…

    A tip of the hat to open source for providing great support and development! But “enterprise” is better because you can do whatever you want with it to make it better (like you can with Microsoft Word and you can’t with OpenOffice).

    Since you asked “is it true” I think that’s a matter of opinion. I would say, “no”, if you choose a good open source CMS with a vibrant community. I would say “yes” if you choose a sub-par tool with absolutely no community following (like this one)…

    I will note also that it’s a little difficult to gauge exactly how robust their plugin collection might be when you’re left with this kind of jargon to figure it out: https://www.squiz.net/resources/integration-datasheet

    Again, masterful writing!